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Séminaire LPS vendredi 19/01/18

19 janvier 2018- 14 h 00 min/17 h 00 min UTC+1

Séminaire du Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale EA849

Salle Colloque 1 – Bâtiment T 1

Giulio Vidotto
Université de Padoue (Italie)

Titre : From Fechner to the Formal Psychological Assessment : The Evolution of Psychological Measurement

Abstract : Measurement is a challenging and fundamental issue in Psychological science. It represents one of the core elements of modern psychology and it has been investigated, formalized and applied in many different fashions throughout the last two centuries. In this talk a quick overview of the main approaches to measurement in psychology is carried out starting from its very initial preliminaries, up to the most recent theorizations. More specifically, it will be shown how measure in psychology underwent an evolution also in its application to psychological assessment. The focus will be centered on the role of the available tools for the assessment, their pros, their cons, and their theoretical reference points (such as Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory). The present perspectives in psychological measurement applied to psychological assessment will be explored too, with particular attention to an extension of Item Response Theory according to a recently developed approach named Formal Psychological Assessment. It will be shown how this last method could represent a unique tool for maximizing the pros of the already existing methodologies and, at the same time, minimizing their cons. The open issues about the future perspectives in psychological measurement, which represent a stimulating field of research, will be introduced.

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Date :
19 janvier 2018
Heure :
14 h 00 min/17 h 00 min UTC+1
Catégories d’Évènement:


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